Lucid Nightmare Theory

Have you ever heard of the lucid nightmare theory? Well, it’s a theory that states that you can go into your own personal hell for a short period, but you must ascend in time or you will disintegrate from time.
My name is Gale. According to an experiment done by IASD, you can access your own lucid nightmare or personal hell by ingesting certain elements. Anyways, I work for a local newspaper so I decided to write an article on this theory. On the website for the experiment, it showed a series of minerals everyone in your group must ingest to access your hell. These were quinine and carbon.
For this, I got my friends Victoria and Kyle to do the ritual with me. We ingested the minerals then…
I woke up in a dark pond. Although the water felt vast, it simultaneously felt more cramped then a puddle.. I felt extreme anxiety at this moment and my nyctophobia was going crazy.
I awoke in the original room. However, Kyle and Victoria were still in hell.
Kyle awoke.
He told me that he was attacked by a multitude of insects and bugs.
However, time was almost up and Victoria was still in hell.
Time was up. Victoria wasn’t back.
Then, as if we were statues in a house of wax, we watched her body begin to disintegrate into dust. Victoria is trapped in her nightmare forever. We couldn’t save her.